I had decided not to post ANYTHING else here until I actually had some finished stuff to talk about. And now I do! But first -- there's even more of this stuff this weekend (booooooo). I have to admit that while we've had a very nice, extry-snowy winter here, I'm pretty much done with this stuff. It can be spring now. Really. Flowers and birds and stuff. I like that.
However, I guess it should be a little bit chilly for just a little while because Under the Hoodie is DONE and ready for wearing! And not a moment too soon, either, as even I was getting tired of my absolute obsession over finishing this sweater. Sometime earlier this week I finished the hood, then Friday night I sat down to attach the sleeves and seam up the sides. As you can see, I had some help.
Don't you pay Leon any mind, he's not REALLY sleeping, he's trying to lull me into a false sense of safety. See, he's betting that I'll chase Josie off when it comes time to pull out the shiny needle and captivating flying yarn because, well, look at her -- you just KNOW she's not going to be able to resist "helping" with that too. But not him, nuh uh - no WAY. He's sound asleep, yup, you betcha -- no threats to life, limb, and yarn here. Totally innocent, that's him.
Yeah, I didn't fall for it either.
A bazillion hours, several Cokes and several Novas from the DVR later, and we had this:
Taken the next day, of course, because by the time I had finished seaming this, my very first sweater, even the cats had abandoned me because it was WAY past even their bed time. Seriously, I think it was something far closer to 3am than I want to contemplate. I'm pretty happy with the seaming, and the sweater is beautiful and warm and scrumptious. Well, OK, not in this picture since this is pre-washing and pre-blocking, but it is I swear, and I'll show you very soon. But not today. Why? Well, because the camera battery died while taking these photos and I can't for the life of me find the charger. So there. I whispered it so that not everyone would hear what an idiot I am, but that's why. I wore it to our L-Word gathering Sunday night and to work yesterday and got lots of ooohs and ahhhs. That was really fun, especially since I'm unlikely to ever make such a big deal out of such a simple sweater again. I'll post an action shot or two and the details soon.
In other knitting news, I also finished Rick's Irish Hiking scarf. Well, I had finished the knitting part a while back (like, Valentine's Day *gasp*), but had never woven in all the endy bits. I think maybe I mentioned I was obsessed with the hoodie, right? Yes it's true, I'm a terrible wife to allow my husband to go scarfless in Boston in the dead of winter so that I can finish a sweater for ME. A show of hands for who's surprised? Right, I didn't think so. But now it's done, washed and blocked, and it's very soft and yummy and makes me want one just like it. Nope. No pictures of it yet either. There was a little bit of fun, super-secret knitting for some birthday goodies as well and as soon as those are received, I'll post their pics.
And now I'm off to a place where they pay me to do stuff that I like far less than knitting. Boo.