You know how in the movies when imaginary friends come to life or show up on your doorstep, it's always some kind of freaky, scary thing and you just know that something bad is going to happen? Well, I'm here to tell you that it just isn't true. Hollywood has lied to us yet again. Case in point: Ms. Melanie. After emailing back and forth a bit, sharing memories of our mutual hometown (Atlanta, Ga) and such, we decided it would be more fun to do that in person, and it totally was. She's charming, funny, witty, has fabulous taste in knits, and has a deep love for pulled pork and hard cider(no one can have a deep love for pulled pork and hard cider and be a bad person, it's impossible). Also, she didn't hit me on the head and tell me to shut up after I talked her ear off for two hours, and that goes a long way too. Oh, AND she didn't make fun of my congenital inability to carry cash, even to a restaurant that only takes cash and checks. When was the last time YOU paid for dinner with a check written with a purple Sharpie? Yes, I'm a dumbass. And yes, it was THAT Sharpie. Hopefully she won't hold it against me and will come out and play again soon. Pictures? Um, no -- no pictures. You'll just have to take our word for it that it was fun and that you totally wish you were there.