First things first. My adorable, fabulous kittens? Gone. Did I cry all the way home from the airport? Yes. Is that stupid? Yes. Do I care? No. I want them back. I was wrong, I DO need 4 cats. NEED THEM.
There is no new knitting, of course, because I'm still on hiatus. What I DO have is 8 - yes, you read that correctly - EIGHT sweaters, ALL USING STASH YARN, complete with knitting maths, all planned out in the brand new Grand Master Knit Plan Book, henceforth to be known as the GMKPB. How, you ask, was this futile attempt at stash busting masterful feat completed if I'm not actually KNITTING? Well, here's where my insane instant gratification bug has, for once, actually paid off. Usually, when a new yarn comes in my house, I Must. Not becasue I necessarily have a plan for it - though at one time this really was the case (stop laughing, it was) - but because I have to play with it RIGHT THEN. I don't really like having dozens of projects lounging around in the WIP basket, so instead of planning/starting a new project with said yarn, I will instead grab the suggested needles and do a swatch, which then gets tossed into a basket until I want to use the yarn. Swatching satisfies the instant gratification bug, and keeps the WIP pile manageable. Also, swatches? Super-Fast. It's like a million little tiny finished objects.
Now, pair that particular obsession with a few weeks knitting hiatus (AND, as it turns out, spinning and fleece-prep hiatus, duh) and an unofficial yarn diet (oops, was that Coke coming out of your nose? Sorry.), and POOF, stash-busting project planning time emerges. I started out just trying to find, organize and file all of my pattern copies, swatch notes and the like in the future projects stack, er stacks, and ended up distilling it all into a little notebook with ball bands and little yarn samples and stuff. What can I say people, it was ALMOST like knitting.....
The no-knitting-thing? It sucks rocks. Yes it does. My wrist brace, however, is MIGHTY sexy (just humor me on this, I'm running out of good thoughts).
What happened to your cats? Sorry, I'm clueless.
Posted by: Colleen | July 20, 2005 at 12:05 PM
can i knit you a wrist brace cozy?
Posted by: maryse | July 20, 2005 at 02:19 PM
Awwwww....the spawn are all growed up enough for new homes? I hope they are together. What's this about the airport? Did they go far away???
Posted by: Cassie | July 20, 2005 at 09:24 PM
WHERE DID THE KITTENS GO?? The little babies flew all by themselves? I hope the attendants took good care of them!
Posted by: Martha | July 21, 2005 at 11:06 AM