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Looks like good camping! I hope you had a restful retreat.

Moose are one of nature's great mysteries. Knobby knees, giant bulbous snouts, antlers out to here, and that look they give give you when you happen accross them. Somewhere between "Wha . . ?" and "Huh?"

They're definitley on my dream Smooch Safari list (where I "hunt" down various animals solely to kiss them on the nose and then run away.) Otters are at the very top of that list, but I think the moose might actually like it.


Wow - what a beautiful place to camp! Certainly looks like you had a great time. :) I'm glad you're back, though!


where in the state were you? I love hearing what others think of it up here, and learning the best spots from outta-staters could be a hobby of mine.

Thank you again for all of your help yesterday - I looked at the yarn and roving again this morning and saw what I think everyone else saw yesterday. Seeing it by itself (instead of with the other lovely final projects) helped me to see all the subtle changes, and I'm happy with it. :)

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