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So cool to meet you in person last night, Kellee! And you have siamese kitties! Are they blue points?


Too much freaky, fabulous fun -- I still haven't completely returned to reality yet. It was so great to meet you on Saturday. Sounds like you had a GREAT time last night, too!


So great to meet you last night -- such fun!! I am impressed with that haul and that it's PRE-Rhinebeck.

julia fc

Hey, I'm not tired of it. Bring it on.
Sorry I missed you guys last night. I was there but I had to leave.

Teresa C

Next time, I'm riding with you guys. You were a blast to see again, we'll have to have a get-together soon. I have a good sized home, but maybe we should rent a hall?


Yes, NoHo is a great town.

That map! It's a treasure map, a very YARNY treasure map.


oh my god, he was my FAVORITE sheep! so adorable. i wanted to tuck him away in my purse and take him home. I can raise a sheep on my back porch, right?


That's right, torture us with the dragging out. Wimper.


OMG! Must. Have. Cute & Cuddly!

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