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I love that pattern on the cover. So cute and flattering. Let us know how you like the yarn -- stunning color. Have fun!


Looks like a beautiful knit you have coming. Good links, complete, and a summary for after the glow fades.

julia fc

Shucks, Kell.
Hot Rod indeed. Fire that baby up, dude, and see how fast it can go. I love me those flames!
Seriously, I've thought about it for the mini van. A Town and Country with mag wheels and hood flames. What d'ya think?


Um, I was there, and I'm still wayyy impressed. :)


oh my. That last picture made this update worth the wait. It seriously does look like it was made for you...and I can't wait to see what it looks like spun up. (though I can and will wait, as this is the year of the wedding...)

I had you on my list of "safe" people to wander around Cummington; now I am rethinking that plan. (or, rather, my bank account is rethinking that plan...)


oooohhhh I want to make that top, too. It's going to be beautiful in that color.

must. knit. faster.

Dave Daniels

That's quite the nice haul you got. The Hot Rod is the BEST! I didn't score any of the silk pods, but watched her do the demo three times. It was a great time up there!


Mmmm... silk. Yum yum yum. Maybe I wanna come over to your house and just roll around in the fiber for a while...

Beth S.

OMG. That Spinner's Hill roving is to DIE for. WOW!

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