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I'm glad you had fun and wish I could have been in two places at once so that I could have joined you all!


there's only 2 reasons why i wasn't pissed that you guys were late.

1. a cat was involved.
2. um, when are you NOt LATE?


More details!!! I can't find anything over at Stitchy's...


I had a blast with you guys, as always.

And I've posted about the Mike Situation. In song form. I hope you like it! :)


Bookish Wendy

Dude. I'm with Maryse - when are you NOT late? I would have told you guys to be ready 2 hours earlier. ;)

I missed you all more madly than usual when I saw those pictures. So glad you all had fun.


Loving the "Happy" in the photo! Glad you had a fun time and remember well the leaving of my babies at that age- the tug at the heartstrings and yet the need for some mom/ friend time.

Kat with a K

It was nice to see you there, for a minute! :)

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