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He is PRECIOUS. So so cute! And you are smart to ration the jumper. Will come in handy when he is older and you need to ration out tv/computer time.


When I saw that you had new pictures up on flickr, I thought "yay! new pictures!" and then, a little while later, I realized that since you likely do not have a lot of free time, new pictures probably also meant a new post and so YAY! Pictures AND a post! Yay!

Hi! Miss you! Love you guys! Hi!

And I can't believe there will be contractors in your house. I'm all a-flutter just thinking about it.


Yikes! When did he get so BIG?! :)


Look how big he is! I love that you posted today.


I can't believe that this is the same boy as the tiny little infant I held at the Yarn Harlot reading! And, ummm, if only I could fall asleep in my jumper, I'd be a happy camper too.

Bookish Wendy

Need. More. Pictures.

I can't believe how big he's gotten!!!


Wow, I was thinking that he was older than he really was. He's so big! And extremely handsome of course too.

sarah b.

Our little one LOVES his jumper, too, and I have a very similar picture. :-) He is super cute!

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