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I'd been following you on flickr (gawd, I sound like a stalker) so I knew about most of this but it's nice to see you blogging!


Um - how did I miss the bus part? Maybe I was on vacation. Crazy! A treat to bump into the two of you the other day - I was laughing because I saw WB first, and was like "I know him!" before I looked up and saw you.


Hi! Glad to see you around Ye Olde Blogge again.


Good to hear from you :)

I still can't believe you were hit by a bus.


So wonderful you're back! I stopped by- must have been pre-post. Hit by a bus?? OMG! Made me remember the flying couch or chair out of the truck episode you had. Glad you're fine despite the trashed scooter etc... That bruise..... *shudder*. WB is so cute!


Oh yo. He is walking and strolling the beach now. The bus thing is more than scary.


Wowsers! Just saw those pics of the bus vs scooter adventure, and holy crap! And it scares me even more 'cause I rode my little pink scooter to work this morning (yes, with a DOT 90 helmet). Welcome back--and we're glad you're still here!


Happy birthday to WB! A year already?!? Yikes about your scooter and OUCH. I'm glad you're ok - and I can't agree with you more about the importance of wearing helmets on bikes and scooters. I see a lot more people on bikes and scooters since gas prices shot up, but I'm not seeing a lot of helmets. Ugh.


It's been a year already, wow! I can't believe you were hit by a bus, that's ridiculously crazy. Glad you are ok though.

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