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My son (15 mo) was tickled to see your little guy. He saw this picture and did the sign, too. Thanks for the happy moment.

The Feminist Mafia

Good to know. I always thought that was the sign for "Doh!" Thanks for clearing that up, B. ;-)


Umm, hi, three (four?) posts in a week? You're putting me to shame. Gotta go write something.


He *is* a clever monkey. I like the smile that's hiding behind that hand. So cute.


Aw! We did sign language with our kids too. It's the best!!


It never fails to amaze me how parents can interpret their child's unique language. I still need my brother and his wife to translate for me when my nephew asks for help with video games.


My friend's 15m daughter knows the sign for 'please'. When she wants something really badly it looks like she is smacking herself repeatedly in the face... lots of explaining to do in cafes! So cute!

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