Lest anyone think that I am joking about the nesting lunacy that I have exhibited recently, this has been installed and COMPLETELY gigged out with diapers, newborn t-shirts, receiving blankets, etc. in our bathroom (the new pad cover was in the wash, lest you also think that my insanity isn't thorough):
Now, many of you will look at this and think....well, sure....you ARE having a baby, dufus. Of course you have a new changing table with dipers and so forth. And to those people I feel the need to point out that this has been in my bathroom for almost three weeks.
....that's right, since I was 29 weeks along - and just to put that in perspective for those people keeping up on your insanity scorecards at home, that's 11 WEEKS prior to my due date.
Yes, there is a matching crib. Also a matching glider w/ottoman. Everybody say it with me: All hail the Craig's List.
No, there isn't a nursery, or really anywhere to store these furniture items because of the renovations - so currently the glider is sitting on top of the dining room table in the 'library', and the crib's side rails are currently serving as drying racks in the 'guest room' for the eleventy-million rescued wool sweaters that have just been felted to make wool soakers for the cloth diapering thing.
You want more? OK, how about the two bassinets:
Upstairs (our room) - please, please ignore the as yet un-finished floor in our bedroom:
Downstairs (den/living room):
Please note that these sheets were also in the wash, but please do ooh and ahh over the super-adorable blankie from one of WB's favorite aunties on the upstairs bassinet.
Still not enough for you? How about a homemade diper?
Because why would any sane person just run out to the store and buy anything that you can instead spend about 30 hours and a lifetime of (im)patience figuring out how to make? Why, I ask you?
So, yeah...hormones, schmoremones. I'm only doing what any one of you would do in my shoes, right? Oh, and speaking of shoes - here's yours truly, barefoot and pregnant:
32-ish weeks and counting.
Weight gained: 25 lbs (so far, but there's a brand new cheescake in my fridge, so don't get between me and it if you value you life)
Inches gained around tummy - 13
Inches gained around chest - 1
Does anyone else think I've gotten the short end of the stick on the breast thing?