When we left our intrepid heroines, they were trapped between rising floodwaters and dark, scary roads. Bereft....adrift.....lost... Hmmm....I guess we've discovered why I don't have a book deal, eh? Blah, blah, blah...so anyway, we did indeed make it to Stitchy's cousin's house, which was, incidentally, stunning. We unloaded our gear and our Web's haul in the STILL pouring rain - not neccessarily in that order, mind you - and commenced to eat fine cheeses and drink some very nice wine with some very lovely people. I am sad to report though, that it seems that the Yarnpants' sense of style has completely skipped Cousin Elaine and that there was not one single knitted jumpsuit anywhere in the house. It's tragic really. Then again, this IS just the weekend getaway, so maybe she saves those fashion gems for her glamorous life back in the big city. I blame my unwillingness to go to bed and get a decent night's sleep entirely on her and Debbie - also the sore stomach from all the laughing.
We awoke the next morning to find that it was miraculously.....still.raining. Want to know how great Melanie and Debbie are as travel companions? Here:
You probably can't tell from this picture, but it's raining. And they're just standing there in the rain so that I can take a picture. Cheerfully. Looking all cute and shit. That's dedication to blogging road trip, people. Standing in the cold, early morning rain for the photo op.
Ah well, who cares about rain? There are barns at Rhinebeck. Right? Right. And there were. Barns, that is. Barns full of sheep and people and fiber and people and yarn and alpacas and llamas. *sigh* Did I mention the people? Here's some:
Notice, please, the crystal clear blue sky above and the glorious dry ground below. Note also the handknitted wool garments. Many were being carried around rather than worn, but oh yes, they were there. 2 hours before this it had been fridgid and rainy. Mother Nature, it seems, has herself a bit of a sense of humor, eh? Maybe even a teeny, tiny mean streak.
Shamefully, this is the ONLY picture of ANY of this amazing TGKWB all weekend. I'm going to blame it all on Rhinebeck 'first timer's syndrome', that sense of being overwhelmed by how many amazing people are there and how much fun you can have just standing in the hot sun petting someone else's wool. It's possible that it might also have been because my hands were full of LOOOOOT. Do ya wanna see it? The haul? Of course you do.
I'm just going to throw up super-brief discriptions with these because it's getting very, very late and my hands are FREEZING. No, I will NOT turn on the furnace in October, but I WILL go have some tea and start a pair of fingerless mitts. Liar, you do so see the logic in that. I'll update the album on the sidebar tomorrow evening with the whole scoop for anyone who happens to be interested. Actually, these will have to just be wee little thumbnails - we are experiencing some technical difficulties with our media card reader - head over to the photo album for the real deal.
This year's theme was fiber and wood, but fear not, there is also yarn. Yes, it's true, I ALSO fell prey to the evil, evil Sock demon. As a matter of fact, between Avi's spindles - oh y'all, so damn pretty - and the Socks That Rock craze, Toni at the The Fold was definately my Achille's Heel. I did, however, manage to hold onto my sanity at the Brooks Farm booth. Gotta save SOMETHING for next year, right?
There's also a Lincoln fleece from the fleece sale in the washing machine, and there's some laceweight yak/silk from THAT booth, er...somewhere. Wierdly, I can't find it right this second, but I assure you that you will see it again someday. I predict that it will be soon, but then, I am becoming notoriously fickle in my projects these days.