Future Man and Melanie. Cute as hell aren't they? I'm hoping that the cuteness factor distracts you from the fact that this is the one and only picture I took at Ms Bookish's fantabulous gathering Saturday. I blame it on the yarn, the knitting, the drinking, and the fiber. In addition to the plain jane crack, er, roving that I took along. the CyberGoddess brought some of the Grade A, primo stuff. Pin-drafted, even, yeah baby. This stuff is SO soft, and SO beautiful I can't even describe it. Here, see for yourself:
This is a little oversaturated, but not by much. Seriously gorgeous, soft, yummy stuff. And she let us play with it. Cool, huh? And here's a sneak peek at my Indigo Moon batt from the NHS&W stash enhancement post. Yeah, yeah...soon - maybe even before Rhinebeck.
So um, yeah, you may have heard that I hauled my wheel, on my back, uphill both ways to a knit gathering on Saturday, but it's completely untrue. It's only uphill one way, and it's a tiny wheel*. But don't think there was no knitting, 'cuz there was (I can't find my swatch, or I swear I'd shoot and post it. One guess as to my theories on it's theft. ). Also, there may have been some eclair squares, but I'll never tell. Sangria though, yeah, there was definately Sangria. Mmmmmmm. OH, and Chocolate-covered pretzels. Homemade. Uh huh, you heard me home.made. Actually, I could do an entire post just on the food we had, but I'll just stop here, because not everyone is as driven to distraction by homemade mac-n-cheese and rice krispy treats (who the heck brought those, btw? they just appeared as if by magic half way through the evening!) as I am. I'll just mention here that opening her house up to the ravening hoard was brave and our hostess was nothing but gracious. Well, except for the mosh-pit-style dive into the yarn basket. That was totally uncalled for. Since I'm working hard to be the laziest photo-blogger of the year, I'm going to suggest y'all head on over to all those other people's site to see much better coverage of the event. Don't forget here, and here, and here.
For all of you kitten junkies out there, I have at least started the kitten album (on the sidebar over there), though it turned out that of the 5 million photos I've taken, I really only thought that 5 were worth posting. I'll work on quality over quantity this week and add some later.
*And truthfully, it can't weigh more than 10 pounds plus it fits just beautifully in the back of my car, even WITH a bike in it. After all, the whole reason we got the hatchback was so that we could haul our toys around. Right. Not a kayak....what.ever.