Just a little long, long overdue Christmas update here. I won't do a big loot entry or anything, just a little summary. We had a fun little speaker-phone Christmas morning here in between paint and flooring projects, and while we didn't get to spend our holiday with our family this year, we DID get to listen to the excited squealing and gigling of our 4-year-old nephew as he opened his gifts. And really, if that's not the best sound in the whole wide world, I don't know what is. A good time was had by all. Then Rick and I just hung out here in our PJ's all day long and did absolutely nothing at all.
It was the bestest day ever.
As great as that is though, it's terrible blog-fodder. What I'm actually here to talk about today is why my fabulous husband is hearby nominated for Best.Husband.Ever.
Dude, a LOOM.
He's not just enabling the current insanity addiction hobbies, no. Even better, he has helped to foster a WHOLE NEW ONE.
Eat your heart out, my people.