Hi. Missed a Friday check in didn't I? What with all the birthday\St Patrick's Day stuff going on, I just sorta forgot to report in.
Weight goals:
151 pounds
6 pounds lost
15-ish pounds to go
Activity goals:
Errrrrr.....*cough*...*cough*...have I mentioned the bird flu? I guess I have to stop using that as an excuse eventually, don't I?
Right. So I'm still not stopping the lazy ass part of this bargain. It's time to work on that for real. I think the bike up on the trainer in the basement will give me a decent start. So that's the deal, either tonight or Thursday night will be bike set up and tune up. How often should I ride I wonder? Is it reasonable to expect myself to try to ride every day?
Hmmm....can I knit while riding?
i thought i'd start with the stopping the lazy ass today or rather tonight. i'm still coughing and a bit stuffy so breathing might be difficult. but i have to start.
Posted by: maryse | March 21, 2006 at 01:13 PM