Warning: No knitting talk today. In fact, it's the worst sort of stereotypical girlie-blog stuff here right now because I'm going to talk about weight & exercise & such. It's true. But now you've been warned and can feel free to wander away to cooler, more interesting knitting stuff elsewhere. Like here, or here, or here (OMG, must have mittens and soon!)
A while back, Elisa posted a thing about her upcoming battle of the pudge. Now, I personally think she was being a little free with her use of the word 'Fat' when applying it to herself, but that's just one girl's opinion. When she bravely and sincerely posted her intentions, I thought it all seemed like a really, really great idea, not so much from the aspect of not wanting to carry extra pounds around (though god knows I CERTAINLY am and really, really need to shed a few *cough*20*cough* pounds) but from a remember-what-it-was-like-to-feel-healthy-and-powerful-and-in-touch-with-your-body-? standpoint. I thought I was ready to commit, but apparently I wasn't. Apparently, 'outgrowing' my favorite pants was going to be the key.
First, some back story. About 6 years ago, I took up running. It was a Life.Altering.Experience. (I'd also like to stop and take a moment here to thank all biochemists everywhere for drugs like Singulair, Allegra, Serevent, and Flonase. Without you guys, I couldn't even begin to do....well....a lot of things. Seriously. Thank you.) See, I was blessed with a jet-rocket metabolism all through my childhood and teen years, right up until my late 20's. This was an especially important thing (though I didn't know it at the time) because it allowed me to stay pretty thin even though I a)ate whatever the f*^k I wanted, whenever I wanted it, and b) my allergies and the allergy-triggered asthma I suffered would have kept me from exercising......er....assuming that it ever occured to me to do so. Somewhere in my late 20's, that all came to a grinding halt and the naked me began to look more like a Stone Age Earth Mother figurine than I ended up being happy with. So I started running out of necessity. Then (and you can't even BEGIN to imagine my surprise here) I began to run for the joy of it, for the way it made me feel -- Strong. Fit. Confident that I could control my body even when it didn't want to do what I told it to do. In turn, as I began to be more active, more and more of my hobbies involved sport-like activities. Cycling, kayaking, scuba diving, etc. We began training for longer and longer road races and exploring the possibilites of Adventure Racing. At 35 I was healthier, happier, and in better shape than I had been in my entire life. Mind you, I said healthy, not skinny, because really, if I can't keep eating cheesecake and Thin Mints, why the heck would I run? Or do anything, for that matter? What's life without Thin Mints? So while I would never be Kate Moss (and you can't know how FINE I am with that), I was in much better shape.
And then we bought a house.
A house with spotty plumbing and an inconveniently semi-broken hot water heater. For many, many months, I actually did ALL my showering at my gym. No shit. Not working out there, mind you....there certainly wasn't time for THAT, just the showering. It was like camping except that there was a phone and some cable TV. In all of this hubbub surrounding the move and the renovations and the inability to shower in our own home, we fell out of our scheduled routine. We fell down, and have not been able to get back up.
So now......it's TIME.
It's time to get my ass back into gear.
It's time to haul my butt out of bed in the mornings and hit the proverbial street.
It's time to stop being out of breath just climbing the stairs in my house.
And, yes, it's time to STOP BEING A LAZY ASS (SBALA, for short).
In the last year and a half, I have gained almost twenty pounds. Say it with me. TWENTY POUNDS. That's an extra 72,000 calories in 18 months. I probably shouldn't even think this calculation through, but that's aproximately 720 MILES of calories. But then, over a year's time that works out to about 14 miles a week......at three times a week, that's about 4 1/2 miles a run. I can do that. I've done FAR more.
So here's what we're going to do. I'm going to promise to never talk about this here again because there's going to be a little sideline project over on the button bar and it's going to look something like this:
....and it's going to lead here. And here I'm going to track the progress of SBALA and see just how long it takes to go from 157 lbs & 28.5% body fat (WTF!), to something closer to 135 lbs and 20-ish% body fat. There will be blood, sweat, tears, drama, and....oh, let's face it, this will be boring as heck to almost everyone else but me, but it will be there anyway. For me. Also, maybe for anyone else that feels like playing along. There won't be any crazy must-run-14-miles-a-week rules, BTW, that was just an example.
Dude! Where's my yoga mat?
If time is money, then goal setting is invaluable, for goals keep you focused, on time, and on schedule. You are responsible for your own success. You either work hard for what you want or you don’t. If you want to be successful in any endeavor take complete ownership of the process, which begins with goal setting.
Posted by: Everything Counts | May 31, 2009 at 12:21 PM