Boston Knitters Olympic Committee (B.K.O.C.)

May 2010

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Yeah !
I will be there skated on, knitting in hand !


Wooooooo! I'll be there!! And it's a Friday night. Those Doyles people must be mighty used to a bunch of knitters around the place.


if my coach will let me participate in the opening ceremonies i'll be there.

my american coach is a hard ass. but my french coach will more than likely think it's imperative that i participate.


I, unfortunately, will be miss the opening ceremonies due to a travel day. I would love to attend/host a child friendly knitting event sometime during the games. If there is any interest in a daytime event, feel free to email me.


I am so there! It's on the calendar and I've already told Eric he's fending for himself that night.

Actually, he's probably going to be fending for himself all 17 days, so it will be good for him to get used to it.

Maybe we should make a button for the Olympic Widows.


eh.. joe's used to it ...


I am honored to help represent the "nahth shoah" at the opening ceremonies!

7 pm Doyle's opening night of the Olympics. :)


Danielle H

I hope to be there too, but may be going out of town that weekend. Love Doyle's!


Greetings from Team Colorado!!


Unfortunately, I cannot make it as I will be sunning myself in the warm Caribbean (wait . . . why I do think that's unfortunate?).


Yee-hah! I was knitting at Doyle's tonight. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Official Opening Ceremonies.

Jenn C.

I'll be there! So excited.

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